n e v e r l a n d d

- ANTISOZIALISTISCHE ELEMENTE - *** TA MI OTO PRZYPADŁA KRAINA I CHCE BÓG, BYM W MILCZENIU TU ŻYŁ * ZA TEN GRZECH, ŻE WIDZIAŁEM KAINA ALE ZABIĆ NIE MIAŁEM GO SIŁ *** " DESPOTYZM przemawia dyskretnie, w ludzkim społeczeństwie każda rzecz ma dwoje imion. " ******************** Maria Dąbrowska 17-VI-1947r.: "UB, sądownictwo są całkowicie w ręku żydów. W ciągu tych przeszło dwu lat ani jeden żyd nie miał procesu politycznego. Żydzi osądzają i na kaźń wydają Polaków"





"Polska" to kraj bezprawia

środa, lipca 16, 2014

Prawdziwa k a c z k a * 14 dań

Crispy, Lacquered, Tender, Smoky Duck Recipes (PHOTOS)

Posted:   |  Updated: 05/01/2014 3:59 pm EDT

The argument could be made that duck is the best poultry of all the poultries. The duck is in possession of the most fat, the most forgiving meat and possibly the most flavor per square inch of any other fowl. It's also one of the only birds we've all agreed we feel safe eating at medium-rare.
For some insane reason, despite all of those things being true, a lot of home cooks are still reticent to try duck recipes. Like in most cases, when we push into the wild unknown, there are great things to be had.
The thing that is best about duck is also the thing makes people get all weird about it: all that glorious fat. There are whole recipes just devoted to duck fat. The real trick is just to make sure you render the fat, which is accomplished just by cooking the duck slowly enough that the fat can melt into the meat and let the skin crisp up. When you get ready to cook a duck, you have a few options. Check out the best duck recipes the internet has to offer. And let us know your favorite way to cook duck in the comments.
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