n e v e r l a n d d

- ANTISOZIALISTISCHE ELEMENTE - *** TA MI OTO PRZYPADŁA KRAINA I CHCE BÓG, BYM W MILCZENIU TU ŻYŁ * ZA TEN GRZECH, ŻE WIDZIAŁEM KAINA ALE ZABIĆ NIE MIAŁEM GO SIŁ *** " DESPOTYZM przemawia dyskretnie, w ludzkim społeczeństwie każda rzecz ma dwoje imion. " ******************** Maria Dąbrowska 17-VI-1947r.: "UB, sądownictwo są całkowicie w ręku żydów. W ciągu tych przeszło dwu lat ani jeden żyd nie miał procesu politycznego. Żydzi osądzają i na kaźń wydają Polaków"





"Polska" to kraj bezprawia

wtorek, października 16, 2012

Smolensk' Massacre 2010

Краткая история убийства.

Polonia in California - Polonia w Kalifornii - Kalifornijski Informator Polonijny
Smolensk catastrophe & Katyn Massacre
Smolensk catastrophe took place on April 10th, 2010 (smolensk-2010.pl) where amoung Polish President Lech Kaczynski & his wife, 94 Cabinet Members were killed in a plane crash. As of Today, cover up by Russian Government & it's KGB agent Putin is taking place, while 'Polish' government among which members responsible are Edmund Klich, Donald Tusk & Bronislaw Komorowski. World press & media were fed by Soviet propaganda machine as early as April 13th, 2010 which quickly blamed pilots, without any investigation. Evidence is being destroyed by Russian authorities, plane wreck was cut into pieces and many evidence objects are still missing. 'Black Boxes' are still in hands of Russian government. International rules and regulations are being ignored. Below you will find movies decribing major issues related to plane crash, evidence, investigation and lack of cooperation from Russian government. It will also outline and prove Polish government's involvement in negligence, lack of cooperation and cover up. Solidarni2010.plPolish Elected President Lech Kaczynski was going to celebrate 70th Anniversary of Katyn Holocaust that took place durring WWII in Soviet occupied territory. Over 21,000 Polish citizens (Officers, Teachers, Doctors, Artists, etc.) were murdered by Soviet NKWD in KATYN . Katyn Museum (PL)
Investigation to uncover truth and abolish non Polish/Russian propaganda that is being fed to Major News Channels, Polish Media, Radio,
TV & Press is led by Parliamentary Representative - Antoni Macierewicz (featured in many interviews presented below).

Bronislaw Komorowski took adventage of this tragedy and spring himself into election, gaining support of Left Wing/Socialists & Moscow to get himself elected.
Well planned and calculated, political move. Although, Poland is part of a NATO and signed treaty with Russia in 1993. 
Article "Motives? At least Two"
 by Piotr Falkowski in conversation with Eugene Poteat, President of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO).Article "Tusk is a Russian puppet" by Eugene Poteat (CIA).
An article (in Polish) True 'family roots' of Bronislaw Komorowski. Prawdziwe korzenie Bronislawa Komorowskiego. 
All articles can be easily translated using Google Chrome browser.
 An article in English describing whole incident - OnePoland.eu (info.PDF)

Appeal of the Polish Nation to The Citizens of Europe and the World OnePoland.euOne Million Signatures for Poland - Smolensk 10 April 2010. Sign petition requesting international investigation.

Donal Tusk and Vladimir PutinDonal Tusk and Bronislaw Komorowski
Donald Tusk (L) & Vladimir Putin (R) hugging at the plane crash 4/10/2010Donald Tusk (L) & Bronislaw Komorowski (R)
Do not forget the fact that Donald Tusk's grandfather served durring WWII in Nazi under Wermacht (German Army).
Featured in below photo as a driver (1939, photo: Bundesarchiv, Germany). Click image for larger version.
Donald Tusk's grandfather in German Nazi uniform during WWII as a driver
All movies featured below are related to Smolensk catastrophe and Katyn massacre (in Polish & English).
This document is updated regularly. Recent update: August 11, 2012 

Solidarni 2010

TU-154 10.04.2010 First unprofessional film after crash

Did Komorowski knew something?!? (in Polish)

Film "Solidarni 2010" (in Polish)

Public hearing - Part 1 of 2 (EU) (in Polish)

Public hearing - Part 2 of 2 (EU) (in English)

Public hearing - Smolensk Crash, by Marta Kochanowska (EU) (in English)

According to experts

10.04.2010 - film Anity Gargas

Antoni Macierewicz

A. Macierewicz obnaza manipulacje red. Nawrockiego (in Polish)

"Pogarda" - Joanna Lichocka & Maria Dluzewska (in Polish)

"Mgla" ("Fog") - Film (in Polish)
Version with English subtitles

"Lista Pasazerow" - Film (Part 1 & 2 in Polish)

KATYN - Ludobujstwo & Propaganda (1993) (in Polish)

Katyn forest massacre (old B&W documentary in English)

Katyn Massacre: Epilogue (in English)

Film - "List z Polski" (in Polish)

Movie - "Letter from Poland" (with English subtitles) part 1 of 4

Movie - "Letter from Poland" (with English subtitles) part 2 of 4

Movie - "Letter from Poland" (with English subtitles) part 3 of 4

Movie - "Letter from Poland" (with English subtitles) part 4 of 4

Interview with Vladimir Bukovski (in English)

KATYN: "Slaughter and Silence", Rare Documentary True Story 1/4 (in English)

KATYN: "Slaughter and Silence", Rare Documentary True Story 2/4 (in English)

KATYN: "Slaughter and Silence", Rare Documentary True Story 3/4 (in English)

KATYN: Slaughter and Silence Rare Documentary True Story 4/4 (in English)

Vladimir Putin - Biografia agenta KGB/terrorysty (in Polish)

The Putin System - Biography of KGB agent/terrorist (in English)

Antoni Macierewicz June 1st, 2012 (in Polish)

Jan Pospieszalski - "Blizej" TV, June 13th, 2012 - Prof. Wieslaw Binienda i Antoni Macierewicz (in Polish)

Konstruktor Boeinga, Przyczyna musial byc wybuch - 6/14/2012 (in Polish)

Prezydencki telefon zamieciony pod dywan
(Conference in regards to satelite phone belonging to President being used twice after the crash)

General Petelicki nie zyje! 6/16/2012 (in Polish)

Komorowski o Generale Petelickim w debacie prezydenckiej

Gabinet Tuska prowadzil podwojna gre

Antoni Macierewicz

Appeal of the Polish Nation to The Citizens of Europe and the World OnePoland.euOne Million Signatures for Poland - Smolensk 10 April 2010. Sign petition requesting international investigation. 

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